Jul 31, 2014

Change in plans....

We are not meeting Saturday night.  We will meet sunday afternoon after church. Same place at 1:30pm-ish. Any questions,  reply below.

Jul 29, 2014

Meeting time and place....

We will be meeting at Buffalo Wild Wings in Lee's Summit, MO to discuss what we would like to do as a club, discuss some possible ground rules and mostly just shoot the breeze, eat wings and talk about radios.

Time: 8:00 PM


Buffalo Wild Wings

1806 NW Chipman Rd
Lee's Summit, MO 64081

Everyone is welcome to come hang out! 

Cool New Knobs.

While recently trying to tune a quick 6 meter dipole, (the band was open and I thought I'd give it a try!) I used a bit too much haste and knocked my MFJ-269 analyzer off of the table and onto the hard concrete. Fortunately, no damage was done other than cosmetic. The mode and gate buttons fell out and I cracked a knob beyond repair.

Once everything was returned as much as it could be to the original state, I pondered what I wanted to do about the knobs. Picked up a few big ol' red ones from Radio Shack.  We have a decent Radio Shack in Belton, MO in case you were thinking to yourself, "I thought they only sold cell phones".

Anyhow, I think it looks better than before. When life hands you lemons, but new knobs on it. 

Jul 28, 2014

Meeting thus Saturday

We will try to meet this Saturday to get things rolling. We plan to meet at a restaurant in the Lee's Summit/Independence area.  Please suggest a place to eat some grub in the comments. 

Meeting of the Minds?

Some of us are planning on meeting soon to lay some groundwork for the club and kick some ideas around. If you are interested in meeting with us, please respond here and we'll try to keep you posted. 

Now taking applications.

An online application is now available if you look up above.  There are no dues and for joining you get your name on our list and will be recognized as an official member.  Please consider if you really want to be affiliated with us before joining.  ;)

Jul 27, 2014


Buzzing Toasters ARC is currently in the building phase. Our purpose is simple. We like to play with radios and want to make friends with other people who play with radios. We look forward to getting things started and seeing (probably just hearing you unless it's TV!) on the air!